Main function
Fiber laser cutting works by focusing the power of a high-power laser onto the surface of the material to be cut. The energy in the laser beam is absorbed into the surface of material, and the energy of the laser is converted into heat, which melts or vaporizes the material.
Additionally, gas is focused or blown into the cutting region to expel or blow away the molten metal and vapor from the cutting path.
Choosing a Fiber laser cutting system will provide a number of advantages over traditional CO2 lasers. Because of their high quality beam, Fiber lasers will allow you to cut, engrave and mark a wide range of metallic materials.
Our range of Fiber machines can be specified in a variety of power outputs ranging from 500W and up - which will provide you with a machine capability of cutting sheet metals such as 12 mm thick stainless steel depending on the machine power.
Parametro teknikoa
EZ | Elementua | Balioa | Unitatea |
1 | Max. working area (length×width) | 3000×1500 | mm |
2 | X axis cutting length | 1550 | mm |
3 | Y axis cutting width | 3050 | mm |
4 | Z axis Lifting Distance | 120 | mm |
5 | X/Y ardatzaren kokapen-zehaztasuna | 0.05 | mm/m |
6 | X,Y-axis repeated positioning accuracy | ±0,02 | mm |
7 | Gehienezko abiadura | 90 | m/min |
8 | Working Max. Acceleration Speed | 0.5G | |
9 | Total power protection grade | IP54 |
Gure Zerbitzua
Salmenta aurreko Zerbitzua
1. Kontsulta eta aholkularitza laguntza.
2. Laginak probatzeko laguntza.
3. Gomendatu makina egokiena bezeroaren xedearen arabera.
4. Fabrika bisitatzea ongi etorria da.
Salmenta osteko Zerbitzua
1. Makina nola instalatu trebatzea.
2. Makina nola erabili trebatzea.
3. 1 urteko bermea.
4. Ingeniariak atzerrian makineria zerbitzua emateko prest daude.
ohiko galderak
Zer moduz zure makinaren kalitatea? Kalitatearekin kezkatuta gaude.
RE: RAYMAX company is a mature brand in CHINA, through our many years research in technology, our design including structure and detailed security and precision has enhanced greatly, and can match all the CE standard or more strict standard. Our machines distribute worldwide to about 50 countries where there are metal plate industry, there are Brillante machines. And where there are our machines, there are good reputation and terminal user satisfaction.
Makinaren prezioa deskontu handiagoa izan daitekeen ala ez?
RE:1. RAYMAX always provide high quality machine,as we know ,oversea market is more important and difficult than domestic market because of communication time costing after sales, So always, our machine has enough quality standard to make sure the machine can work more than the real warranty period.In this way,we will save a lot and think in advance for the clients.
RE: 2. Ziur kalitatea = prezioa eta prezioa = kalitatea, parekatua den prezioa eta bezeroentzat onargarria eta gure makinentzako iraunkorrak emango ditugula. Ongietorria ematen dizugu gurekin negoziatzea eta gogobetetasuna lortuko dugu.
- Application: LASER CUTTING, Metal sheet cutting
- Material aplikagarria: metala
- Egoera: Berria
- Laser mota: zuntz laserra
- Ebaketa-eremua: 1500mm * 3000mm
- Ebaketa Abiadura: 40m/min
- Onartutako formatu grafikoa: AI, PLT, DXF, BMP, Dst, Dwg, LAS, DXP
- Ebaketa-lodiera: 10 mm
- CNC edo ez: Bai
- Hozte modua: URA HOZTEA
- Kontrol softwarea: Cypcut
- Jatorri lekua: Anhui, Txina
- Marka izena: RAYMAX
- Laser Iturria Marka: RAYCUS
- Laser Head Marka: Raytools
- Servo Motor Marka: Panasonic
- Guiderail Marka: HIWIN
- Kontrol Sistema Marka: Cypcut
- Pisua (KG): 5000 KG
- Salmenta puntu nagusiak: prezio lehiakorra
- Lente optikoen marka: uhin-luzera
- Bermea: 3 urte
- Applicable Industries: Building Material Shops, Manufacturing Plant, Machinery Repair Shops, Farms, Retail, Construction works , Energy & Mining
- Makineria probaren txostena: emandakoa
- Bideoa irteera-ikuskapena: Emandakoa
- Oinarrizko osagaien bermea: 2 urte
- Core Components: Pressure vessel, Motor, Bearing, Pump, Engine
- Salmenta osteko zerbitzua: atzerrian makineriari zerbitzua emateko prest dauden ingeniariak, lineako laguntza, doako ordezko piezak, eremuko instalazioa, martxan jartzea eta prestakuntza, eremuko mantentze eta konponketa zerbitzua, bideo laguntza teknikoa.
- Product name: 500w-6000w factory price cnc fiber laser cutting machine
- Ebaketa-materiala: Metala Altzairu herdoilgaitza Karbono Altzairua Aluminioa
- Screen: LCD
- Cutting speed: 0-8000mm/min
- Cutting length: according to requirement
- Cutting thickness: 0-20mm
- Motor: YASKAWA
- Laser head: Lasermech
- Ziurtagiria: ce, ISO, Sgs
- Berme-zerbitzuaren ondoren: bideo-laguntza teknikoa, lineako laguntza, ordezko piezak, eremuko mantentze- eta konponketa-zerbitzua
- Local Service Location: Egypt, United States, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Spain, Morocco
- Showroom Location: Egypt, United States, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Spain, South Korea